07 November 2010

That Girl Knows Her Daddy

On Friday, the daddyman intended to be home from work a little early, so I promised his parents that we would come up and do a few tasks around their house.  The maple trees have blushed and the mercury struggles to make it into the 70s during the day, so it is time to remove the air conditioners from the windows and bring in some wood for the stove.  Unfortunately, 2:00 turned into 3:00 turned into 5:00 turned into a call from the daddyman, "ummm... I'm not gonna' make it home early this afternoon."  

While I've missed my opportunity to go for an afternoon swim, there's still a promise to keep and tasks to be completed.  My suggestion: "Why don't I take the girls on up to Mom and Dad's house, and we'll meet you there?"  Brilliant idea, if-I-do-say-so-myself!!!  

I pack a pair of jeans, a belt, clean socks, a t-shirt, a fleece pullover, a pair of boots, and a pair of hiking shoes incase he's not in the mood for boots.  The Tot decides to help me pack.  This is what she added to the stack:
That girl knows that when Daddy packs, he always takes his shoe trees and a book.  She even picked one with a mirror.  Smart girl.  Plain & Simple As That

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